March Meeting

Hello All,

On the docket for today we have:

  1. Votes for Citizen of the year.

  2. COVID-19

  3. Apple Blossom

  4. Who is Open?

To begin with we can settle Votes for Citizen of the Year.

I Currently have Rebekah Bastedo, Betty Berkel, and Ramon Rosas Nominated. Please Email me your vote by the end of the day. You can also reply to this post with your vote in addition to emailing me.

The other three topics are all related. First if anyone has any pressing concerns over COVID-19 that effect the Oak Glen community please respond to this post.

Second we are trying to decide what to do with Apple Blossom. My current opinion is to wait one more week before making a call on cancellation. The more time that passes the more information that we seem to gain. With brings me to the final question of who is open, in what capacity, and for how long?

If you have any comments or want to be part of the discussion please comment below.